“Bethlehem Worship and Music” is a ministry based on Colossians 3:16 which commands us to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in our hearts to God. Songs in our 9am Early Worship Gathering emphasize the heritage of our faith through mostly traditional hymns. Our 11 a.m. Worship Gathering is led by our praise band and consists of a blend of newer songs with the old. Our desire is to worship the Lord together, exalting Him and encouraging one another in the faith. Other music ministry opportunities include:
- Featured Music/Soloists: Bethlehem is blessed with talented singers and musicians who provide featured songs during our worship gatherings.
- Praise Band: Volunteers at all levels of skill and experience make up our praise band that leads worship each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Those wanting to learn and offer instrumental praise are invited to join this growing ministry.
- Audio and Video Ministry: Bethlehem utilizes a number of different technologies in our services for both audio support and video support. Trained volunteers make up our Audio and Sound Ministry which is essential to our Sunday Morning worship gatherings.

The Bethlehem Student Ministry is a ministry for 6th – 12th grade with a focus on becoming disciples of Christ. We believe we have been uniquely created in God’s image and given a purpose to live for Christ and to share Christ. God’s Word is essential to our knowledge, spiritual growth, and course to godly living. Learning to obey the directing of the Holy Spirit into all truth and godliness. While meeting together on a consistent basis for discipleship, prayer, and Christian fellowship/friendship is a core value we hold. As this follows, God can bring more clarity to the calling He has placed on each of our lives and direction on how to maintain a life pleasing to Him.
Bible Study on Sundays (10am)
* Meeting ion the Upper Room (Newton Building)
* High School group and Middle School Group
Student Sundays (1st Sunday of every month from 12:30pm-2:30pm)
Student Connect Nights (Every Wednesday from 6:15pm-7:30pm)

Bethlehem loves children and partners with parents to help them grow, learn, and play. We look forward to getting to know you!
- Weekly Sunday School classes (bible instruction and memorization)
- Weekly children’s Worship (during the 11:00am worship hour: kid-style worship, bible lesson, and crafts) Dismissed just before the sermon each Sunday.
- Seasonal dramas and music
- Yearly Family Fun Day (a Fall festival of food, games, activities, and outreach)
- Yearly summer Vacation Bible School (intentional instruction, music, games, and crafts).
Men’s Ministry
is a ministry to men, for men, and through men. “Bethlehem Men are devoted to Christ and understand the vital role Christian men fulfill in the life of our church, families, and community.
- “Bethlehem Men” are devoted to Christ in personal, vibrant, spiritual growth through worship, prayer, Bible Study, and encouragement.
- “Bethlehem Men” are devoted to Christ by lovingly leading their families through family devotions, faithful commitments, and Christ-like living.
- “Bethlehem Men” are devoted to Christ by being devoted to one another, helping each man become the man God wants him to be. Our men understand that devoted disciples are not just made in a classroom, but extends to casually hanging out together, enjoying hobbies, and helping one another with projects.
- “Bethlehem Men” maintain the function and operation of our church ministries and facilities. It includes construction, maintenance, administration, and counsel. Bethlehem Men embrace the “whatever I can do to help” philosophy.
- “Bethlehem Men” are devoted to Christ by intentionally seeking to meet a variety of the needs of our church family, community, and beyond.