Visiting a new church can make you feel both excited and nervous. It’s exciting because you get to experience worship, meet new people, and learn more about a church’s mission and ministries. At the same time, you might feel nervous wondering how to dress, where to park, where the nursery and kid’s church are, where to sit, and if you’ll feel welcomed. At Bethlehem Baptist Church, we specialize in making you feel right at home. Many people have shared that from their first visit to Bethlehem, they felt like they belonged. We love Christ, we love people, and we would love to serve you and your family!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where should I park?
We have plenty of open parking on both sides of our church building.
What door should I enter for worship?
- If you’re joining us for 9 am worship, the front door of our historic sanctuary (facing Troublesome Creek Rd.) is the quickest way in. The doors enter into the rear of the sanctuary where you’ll find plenty of seating options. Currently, no childcare is provided for the 9 am worship gathering.
- If you attend the 11 am worship gathering, we meet directly behind the historic sanctuary in the larger building, the Twelve Stones Center. Look for the red welcome banners to find the main entrance. Greeters will assist you in finding the nursery and explaining our ministries for children, youth, and adults. There is signage throughout the buildings to help you navigate as well.
How should I dress?
We are everyday people, saved by God’s extraordinary grace, joyfully worshiping and serving our God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Most of our church family dresses casually. Come as you are and make yourself at home! We are glad you’re here!
For Service Times and where to find us, visit our Contact Page!